You don't need an account. You can proceed to purchase through our quick checkout option on this website.
You can order through this website and collect your order directly from us. If you would like to discuss your order before ordering to confirm stock and/ or delivery date - please give us a call on 0345 077 3207.
If you require a parcel delivery, please email your order to us on and we will provide you with a competitive delivery rate which starts from £4.99 + VAT.
We offer a delivery service utilising our own vehicles. This service starts from just £10 + VAT and you can order as much as you like.
Please feel free to speak to a member of our team to discuss any delivery arrangements.
Once your order is confirmed and paid for, we deliver within 1- 3 working days.
We accept payment on this website with Paypal and Card. In addition you can pay by Cash, Bank Transfer or make payment through our terminal.
Whether you have a low or high volume order we can assist.
Yes! - We supply a range of eco-friendly products from Kraft Tape, Kraft Paper, Kraft Bags, Loose Void Fill, Food/ Drink Takeaway Containers - and a range of Bags and Stretch Films which are manufactured from recycled materials.
In fact, we are a distributor of Kraft Tapes, Kraft Paper and Food Packaging - so if you're purchasing low or high volumes - please do get in touch with us.